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Drug & Alcohol Policy


Approved August 2024


The Moweaqua Public Library District (MPLD) has long recognized that the nonmedical use of controlled substances is hazardous to the health of the patrons and employees of the Library. Additionally, the use of alcohol by patrons is recognized as both hazardous and often illegal, and the irresponsible use of alcohol by employees is detrimental to the Library environment. The illicit manufacture, use, possession, or distribution of controlled substances, lookalike drugs, drug paraphernalia, alcoholic beverages, and marijuana and its derivatives as defined by Illinois and federal statute is not permitted at any time on the Library premises (meaning in the building, on the property, in any Library-owned vehicle, or at any Library-sponsored activity where patrons or employees are engaged in activities under the jurisdiction of the Library). This shall include any period when an employee is supervising students on behalf of a school district or is otherwise engaged in Library business.


Any employee who violates the terms of the Library's drug and alcohol policy may be suspended or terminated pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Library and applicable state statutes. The Library may, at its discretion, refer incidents to appropriate legal authorities for prosecution when this policy is violated. Sanctions against employees shall be in accordance with prescribed Library regulations and procedures. The Library's employees, as a condition of their employment, agree to abide by the terms of this policy and to notify the Library no later than five (5) days after any criminal drug or alcohol statute conviction for a violation occurring at a Library location. The Library, if or when required by law, shall report such conviction to the appropriate authorities.


A patron who violates the terms of this policy may be expelled from the Library premises at the discretion of the Library, and user privileges may be suspended for a specific period. The Library may, at its discretion, refer incidents to appropriate legal authority for prosecution when this policy is violated. Sanctions against patrons shall be in accordance with prescribed Library regulations and procedures.


The Library shall obtain and make available materials from local, system, state, and national organizations combating drug and alcohol abuse and, where appropriate, enlist the aid of community and state organizations with drug and alcohol information and rehabilitation programs to provide information to the Library patrons and employees.


To make patrons and employees aware of the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse, notice of the Standard of Conduct imposed by this policy and the sanctions imposed for violation of this policy shall be distributed to all employees and prominently posted at the Library for patrons and employees to see. Patrons (and, in the case of minors, their parents) shall be advised of this policy in the same manner as they are advised of the general disciplinary policies and procedures. Employees shall receive copies of this policy upon hire.


The Library shall conduct a biennial review and evaluation of the measures taken by this policy to determine its effectiveness and to implement changes to the program where needed. Additionally, the biennial review and evaluation shall determine whether the sanctions required by this policy are consistently enforced.

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