Material selection policy
Adopted 2024
The primary objective of the Moweaqua Public Library District (MPLD) is to provide, organize, and circulate books and other communication materials; to give guidance in their use; and to help people satisfy their need for reliable information, cultural enrichment, spiritual development, greater understanding, and individual enjoyment.
As a community institution, the library is dedicated to the concept of service to everyone. A fundamental part of this service is the selection, acquisition, organization, circulation, and promotion of appropriate materials.
Free and convenient access to the world of ideas, information, and creative experience is of vital importance to every citizen. Therefore, the MPLD Board of Trustees recognizes and incorporates as part of this policy the principles of the American Library Association’s Library Bill of Rights, the Freedom to Read Statement, and the Freedom to View Statement.
The criteria for selection of materials for the Library’s collections is to make available books and other materials ordinarily provided by libraries that will meet the educational, informational, cultural, and recreational interests and needs of the people of the MPLD. To fulfill this purpose, the Library endeavors to maintain a collection of representative materials that balance permanent value and current interest and that tend toward the development and enrichment of life.
Each type of material placed in the Library must be considered in terms of its own kind of excellence and the audience for whom it is intended. The addition of any item to the Library’s collection in no way represents an endorsement by the library of any theory, idea, or policy contained in it.
To serve the community, the public library must have knowledge of the nature of the community and the needs of the people it serves, both individually and collectively. The library must be aware of the availability of resources in other community agencies. Therefore, the library desires to cooperate as fully as possible with
local businesses and industries, since they play an important role in Moweaqua’s economic growth and development
local libraries, library systems and their members, and the State Library to provide the best library service while avoiding duplication of services and resources
local agencies, groups, and organizations whose purposes and activities are related to library objectives
the educational community by providing materials that supplement and enrich the information, research, and recreational needs of students of all ages.
The selection of materials for clientele will be based on the following guidelines:
Material should be of immediate or anticipated interest to individuals or groups in the community.
Subject coverage should be as broad in scope as the interests of the community and, within budgetary constraints, provide such variety and depth as demand may indicate.
Materials should meet acceptable standards with respect to content, expression, and manufacture, according to the clientele served.
Non–print materials shall be acquired to illustrate and extend the value of printed materials in the library and to increase the general usefulness of the library to all segments of the community.
Materials will also be selected for the visually and physically impaired.
Requests by the public will be give serious consideration.
The children’s and youth collection will provide materials that anticipate and meet the diversified needs, interests, tasks, and backgrounds of boys and girls from infancy through age 13 or older. These materials should provide enjoyment and inspiration for children. They also should cultivate a love of books and reading, help children know more about themselves and their world, and meet children’s personal informational needs. Children are not limited to material in the juvenile collection, although juvenile collections are kept together to facilitate use. Responsibility for materials selected by a child must rest with the child’s parents or guardians, not the library.
A committee or committees of the Board of Trustees and/or head librarian have the responsibility for selection of library materials.
Professionally recognized sources and guidelines should be used in the selection of all materials, as well as patrons’ preference.
Selection of all materials shall be made based on their interest and informative value to the whole community. No material shall be excluded because of the race, nationality, or political or social beliefs of its creator.
Withdrawal of Materials
In response to the changing needs of the community, items no longer useful are regularly withdrawn from the collection.
Reconsideration Policy
Complaints Dealing with Library Materials
The library supports the American Library Association’s Bill of Rights and affirms the concepts of intellectual freedom. It is felt that the materials owned by the library meet the criteria set forth in the library’s materials selection policy. However, due to the diversity of the materials, some individual complaints may arise. The following procedures will be used when a patron registers a complaint:
All complaints shall be referred to the head librarian. Complaints must be filed in writing (see the related forms) and the patron properly identified before action is taken.
The head librarian shall attempt to resolve the complaint, providing a copy and explanation of the Materials Selection Policy as needed and responding to the patron within 10 business days. Materials will remain in circulation while complaints are pending.
In the event the complaint is not satisfied, the written complaint will be referred by the head librarian to the MPLD Board of Trustees for evaluation. The Board will review the questioned material and complete the appropriate checklist (see copies appended), judging the material for its strength and value as a whole and not in part. The Board will then submit a written recommendation within 15 business days. The head librarian will then forward the board’s recommendation to the patron.
Challenged material shall be retained or withdrawn as mandated by the decision of the Board, and the head librarian shall forward the Board’s recommendation to the patron.
If the patron wishes to appeal, a special meeting of the Library Board will be held to consider the complaint. The Library’s attorney will be requested to appear at this meeting to clarify legal questions.