Use of computer resources policy
Approved May 2024
The Moweaqua Public Library District (MPLD) provides public access to the internet. This service is available to MPLD cardholders who are 18 years of age or older.
Cardholders 13–18 years of age must have a parental signature of this policy on file at the Library in order to be permitted to use the internet.
Children 12 and under may access the computers when accompanied by an adult.
** Internet access will be extended to adult non–library cardholders who provide a valid driver's license.**
Computer access is available on a first come, first serve basis.
Computer usage is limited to one (1)-hour increments. This will not be enforced if the patron is using the computer for homework or schoolwork.
A maximum of two (2) people are allowed at each internet terminal.
Use of computers is limited to regular library hours and patrons should log out 15 minutes before closing time.
Staff provides limited assistance for basic computer procedures and functions as time and knowledge permit.
User agrees to pay replacement cost of any equipment or material lost or damaged as a result of carelessness by the user.
Computers will be turned off and unplugged during electrical storms.
MPLD is not responsible for disks brought in by patrons that are damaged while using the computer.
School-related projects or assignments will be given priority over recreational use (games).
Programs from Library computers may not be copied on to a disk.
No computer disk can be checked out of the Library.
Only the software programs that are already on a machine may be used. Users should not install new software programs on the MPLD computers. Patrons may not bring their own program disks (including games) to the Library for use with the computer.
You must bring your own disk if you wish to save your work. Your work is not to be saved on the Library's computers.
The cost to print is 25 cents per black ink page and 50 cents per color ink page, whether the Library or you supply the paper.
If you have problems, please let the staff know. Do not try to fix the problem yourself.
Patrons misusing the equipment and these rules may lose their computer privileges.
MPLD requires that library patrons using computers/computer resources do so within the guidelines of acceptable use. The following activities are unacceptable:
Using electronic information networks for any purpose that results in the harassment of other users.
Destroying, damaging, or engaging in unauthorized alteration of the Library's computer equipment, software, or network security procedures. Only software owned and installed by MPLD may be used on its computers. Downloading or installing anything from the internet or other software is not permissible.
Using MPLD computers/internet or electronic networks for any illegal activity, including violation of copyright or other rights of third parties. Users will be responsible for knowledge of all applicable federal, state, and local laws for which they may be held in violation.
Using electronic information networks in any way that violates licensing and payment agreements between [this library] and network/database providers.
Engaging in unauthorized duplication of copy-protected software or violation of software license agreements.
Violating system security.
Using MPLD computers/internet to view or disseminate material considered inappropriate for a public environment or likely to cause a disturbance, including sexually explicit or suggestive (obscene/pornographic) images.
Behaving in a manner that is disruptive to other users, including but not limited to overuse of computer equipment which serves to deny access to other users.
Downloading, chat rooms, instant messaging, and webcam activities are prohibited on Library equipment.
Patrons must comply immediately if a staff member asks them to exit a website for any reason.
Violation of any aspect of this policy may result in library privileges being suspended or revoked, and may include legal action, where appropriate.
Library patrons have the right to confidentiality and privacy in the use of electronic information networks to the extent possible given certain constraints, such as proximity of other patrons and staff in public access settings.
Every effort will be made to maintain a secure environment; however, internet transactions, communications, and activities are potentially vulnerable to unauthorized access.
MPLD will not release information on the specific internet resources used by members of the public except as required by law or necessary for the proper operation of the Library.
It is the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian to restrict and monitor a minor’s access.
MPLD disclaims any liability or responsibility arising from access to or use of information obtained through the internet.
Users are responsible for any commercial transactions made while using the Library’s internet connection.
Libraries make it possible for citizens to have access to the information they need to make informed decisions. As a member of the Illinois Library and Information Network (ILLINET), MPLD is committed to networking, which represents good public policy by maximizing the use of the resources of all types of libraries. Every library user benefits from expanded access to information beyond the four walls of a single library building.
MPLD and all ILLINET library use electronic information networks such as the internet for a variety of purposes:
Access to shared automation systems that provide bibliographic access to the collections of the local library and libraries in the region and across the state.
Access to the wealth of information resources available via the internet.
Access to general and specialized shared licensed databases available to ILLINET member libraries through regional and statewide cooperative programs.
Internet electronic mail service is available to patrons.
The Moweaqua Public Library District's Policy for Access to Electronic Information Networks is part of the Library's overall policy structure and should be interpreted in conjunction with other existing policies. Copes of all library policies are available on the Library website or upon request from a library staff member.
Most resources available via the internet and other electronic information networks are "global" resources rather than "local" ones. The Library does not and cannot control the information content available through global resources such as information obtained from outside sources via the internet. Internet resources enhance and supplement resources that are available locally within a library. Library users must be aware that this library does not exercise control over information obtained via the internet and must keep in mind the following points when evaluating information obtained via the internet:
Information obtained via the internet may or may not be reliable and may or may or not be obtained from a reliable source.
Information obtained via the internet may or may not be accurate.
Information obtained via the internet may or may not be current and up to date.
Links to information on the internet may not always be valid, and particular information sites on the internet may sometimes be unavailable, and this unavailability often occurs unpredictably.
Certain information obtained via the internet may be considered controversial by some library patrons.
The Moweaqua Public Library District urges library patrons to be informed consumers and carefully evaluate information obtained via the internet. Library staff may be available to assist patrons in making judgments about the reliability or currency of certain types of internet information sources but are unable to provide definitive analysis of particular sources due to the extremely large variety and volume of information available via the internet.
MPLD is not responsible for damages, indirect or direct, arising from a library patron's use of internet information resources.
Library patrons have certain rights with respect to use to electronic information networks such as the internet. This library will work with other libraries in the Illinois Library and Information Network to preserve and protect these rights, subject to limitations imposed by licensing and payment agreements with database providers.
Library patrons have the right to confidentiality and privacy in the use of electronic information networks to the extent possible given certain constraints, such as proximity of other patrons and staff in public access settings.
Library patrons have the right to equitable access to electronic information networks.
Library patrons have the right to access and read all library service policies and discuss questions with appropriate library staff.
The internet, a global electronic information infrastructure, is a network used by educators, business, the government, the military, and organizations. In schools and libraries, the internet can be used to educate, inform, and entertain. As a learning resource, the internet is similar to books, magazines, videos, and other information sources. Because the internet is a fluid environment, the information available to the public is constantly changing; therefore, it is impossible to predict with certainty what information the public might locate. Just as the purchase, availability, and use of media materials does not indicate endorsement of their contents by the Board of Trustees or library staff, neither does making electronic information available to the public imply endorsement of that content.
It is the responsibility of the parent or legal guardian to restrict and monitor a minor’s access.
MPLD disclaims any liability or responsibility arising from access to or use of information obtained through the internet.
Users are responsible for any commercial transactions made while using the Library’s internet connection.